
• use up
• hadianyagot: expend, exhaust, exhaust ammunition
• erőt: spend
• ruhát: wear out, outwear
• valamit teljesen: get through something
• élelmiszert: consume
And that's what used up that bale of paper? = Erre kellett elhasználni annyi papírt?

elhasznál jelentése kifejezésekben

• spent, time-worn, used, worn-out
• attrition, exhaustion
• aging
• consumable
• to deteriorate, to waste, to wear away, to wear out
• attrition, deterioration
• dead air
• to apply, to consume, to employ, to expend, to use, to use up, to utilize
• appropriation, exertion, use, utilization
• available, consumable, expendable, usable
• to make sg of use, to put sg to use
• waste
• input
• availability
• non-usable
• misuse
• end use
• to make a hole in sg
• fatigue of the track
• to put sg to account, to put sg to good account, to turn sg to account, to turn sg to good account
• to use every means