
• területet, országot, népet: to occupy, to invade, to annex
• valamekkora területet felvesz: to take up
The army occupied the village. = A hadsereg elfoglalta a falvat.

elfoglal jelentése kifejezésekben

• to make a prize of a ship, to make prize of a ship
• to man a trench, to take over a trench
• to take by surprise
• to blitzkrieg
• to hive
• to preempt
• busy, engaged, engrossed, to be swamped
• annexation, occupancy
• activity, engagement, occasions, ploy, pursuit, work
• void
• to take place
• idle
• to busy oneself
• to be at a loose end, to be at the loose end
• to take up one's quarters
• to go into the trenches
• disengaged, free, off
• press of business
• self-adsorbed
• have sg on
• relief man