
• ebben van: it is in here, it is in there
• ebben igaza lehet: he may be right in that
• ebben téved: there you are mistaken
• ebben a városban: in this town
• ebben a tekintetben: in this respect
• ebben van a lényeg: that’s the main point
• ebben maradunk!: it's settled!

ebben jelentése kifejezésekben

• there you are mistaken
• on this point
• you get me wrong there, you took me up wrong there
• at this juncture
• in this regard
• it's a go!, that's agreed!
• I am with you there
• in this context
• he had little to do with it
• I am not sure about it
• it is to be had in this shop
• at this juncture
• that's some of his handiwork!
• she reassured me on this head
• I didn't bargain for that
• he is an old hands at it
• you doubt it and with reason
• flutter, quiver
• formerly
• flush, skirr
• to quitter, to quiver