
• orvos: doctor, physician
• orvostudomámy, jogtudomány és teológia kivételével: Doctor of Philosophy
• hittudományi doktor: Doctor of Divinity
• Budapesten avatták doktorrá: he got his doctoral degree in Budapest
• doktornál van: be at the doctor’s
• az orvostudományok doktora: Doctor of Medicine
Where is the doctor? = Hol van a doktor?

doktor jelentese magyarul

doktor angolul

doktor jelentése kifejezésekben

• doctor of divinity
• doctor's, doctoral, doctorial
• doctorate
• doctor's degree
• convocation to bestow the doctor's degree, degree congregation, promotion
• thesis for the doctor's degree
• to incept
• vet
• vet
• doctor of divinity
• to laureate
• your old doctor-body is no use