
• győzelem: win
• siker: success, achievement
• diadallal: in triumph
• erkölcsi diadal: moral victory
• teljes diadal: complete victory, complete success
• a jó diadala a rossz felett: the ascendancy of good over evil
• a tudomány diadala a természet felett: the victory of science over nature, the triumph of science over nature
• diadaltól sugárzik az arca: have a triumphant look, have a triumphant expression
It was small triumph. = Csekély diadal volt.

diadal jelentese magyarul

diadal angolul

diadal jelentése kifejezésekben

• sweeping triumph
• triumphal
• triumphant, victorious
• paean
• trophy
• elate with victory, exultant, exulting
• triumphantly, victoriously, with flags flying
• triumph
• exultancy, exultation, triumph
• to bear away the bell, to ring the bell
• exultantly, exultingly, flushed with victory
• triumphant
• exultation
• to take scalps, to win through, to worst
• victoriousness
• to triumph over sg
• to chortle
• to triumph
• to exult over sy
• to triumph over sg
• to crow over sy