
• állati tetem: carcass, carrion
• állat: beast
• ember: pig, louse, bastard, scumbag
• jelzőként: nagyon: very, awfully, seriously
• büdös, mint a dög: stink like hell
• falánk dög: greedy pig
• dögivel van pénze: have oodles of money, have heaps of money
• ocsmány dög: nasty piece of work
• te büdös dög: you damned wretch, you lousy bastard
What a beast! = Micsoda dög!

dög jelentése kifejezésekben

• stinker
• heavy arse
• dirty dog
• cool, foxy, hot
• pest, pestilence
• pestiferous, pestilent
• flayer, knacker
• to punch
• dog-tag
• to be dead on one's feet
• dead wool
• drag
• pestilential
• up yours!
• scavenger
• Satan, black bogy, bogy, bogy man, devil, dickens, fiend, poker
• to doss down, to hit the hay, to hit the sack
• conjurer, conjuror, exorcist
• chamois, chamois
• devilish
• bum, to be bust, to be busted