
• butt, prod, stab, jab, poke
They jabbed him through his shoulder. = A vállán keresztül döfték meg.

döf jelentese magyarul

döf angolul

döf jelentése kifejezésekben

• to stab sy in the back
• butt, dig, jab, poke, prod, push, stuck, thrust
• to prod
• prod
• to dig, dug, to flesh
• palpability, to stab
• to pierce, to pin, to preen, to transfix
• to horn, to push
• to lodge
• transfixion
• to get one's knife into sy
• to run sy through
• capital!, that's rich!, that's the cheese!
• to drive through, to pierce
• to dirk
• coup de gráce, finisher, sockdolager
• to spear
• to spear
• to stab sy in the back