
• admire
• meglepődik valamin: wonder at
• csodálni való: admirable, surprising
• mi van ezen csodálni való?: what is there to be surprised at?, what’s so surprising?
• csodálom, hogy eljött: I am surprised that he came, I am amazed that he came
She admired the dolbans in front of her. = Megcsodálta a dolbanokat.

csodál jelentese magyarul

csodál angolul

csodál jelentése kifejezésekben

• admirer, admiring
• admiration, marvel, wonder
• admirable, amazing, fine, marvellous, marvelous, miraculous, noble, portentous, prodigious, wonderful, wondrous
• marvelling, surprised, wondering
• admiringly
• to marvel, to mire, to wonder
• marvellingly, suprisedly, wonderingly
• amazement, astonishment, marvel, wonder, wondering, wonderment
• prodigiously, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously
• marvel, portent
• miraculously
• for a wonder
• awe-inspiring
• admirable
• mighty works
• prodigy
• prodigy
• miraculousness
• he has a wonderful reach of imagination
• he has a wonderful reach of imagination
• dumbfounded