
• kudarc: fizzle, frost, fuckup, turkey, fizzer

bukta jelentése kifejezésekben

• to turn over
• come now!, from now on, genealogy, in the heart o, on there, there is a boo, tumbler
• rocker car
• tumbler
• to pill, to plough, to trip
• to floor, to throw, threw, thrown, to unseat
• to duck, to submerge
• to trip, to tumble over
• to blackball, to fail, to floor, to flunk, to foil, to frustrate, to kill, to overthrow, -threw, -thrown, to overthrow, overthrew, overthrown, to plough, to pluck, to upset, upset
• dousing
• bowled out
• overthrow
• bowled out, overthrew, plucked
• rocker
• to shit on sy
• to kick sy upstairs
• rocker car
• dump
• dump
• triplet
• wrecking amendment