
Mary decided to revenge her ex's conduct. = Mary úgy döntött, megbosszúlja exe viselkedését.

bosszú jelentése kifejezésekben

• nemesis
• fretful, harassed, pettish, resentful, to be choked
• out of revenge
• fretfully, resentfully
• anger, annoyance, bother, botheration, chagrin, cross, discomfiture, displeasure, irritation, miff, pain, unpleasantness, vexation
• avenger, nemesic, unforgiving, vengeful, vindicative, vindictive
• vindictiveness
• to pay off, to pay off a grudge, to wreak
• revengeful, vengeful
• revenge, vindictiveness
• meteoric, vengeful, vindicative, vindictive
• nemesis
• to pant for revenge
• have the scalp of sy, to avenge oneself on sy, to be even with sy, to be revenged on sy, to get even with sy, to revenge oneself on sy, to take a vengeance on sy, to take it out of sy, to take it out on sy
• to glut one's revenge
• to snort
• beleaguered with annoyances
• to brood over scheemes of vengeance
• sucker
• to be out for scalp
• to draw vengeance on oneself