
• stop, cover
• állatot: harness
• rögzít: brace, grip
• valakit befog munkára: put somebody to work, keep somebody busy
• befogja a fülét: cover one’s ears, refuse to hear
• befogja valaki száját: shut somebody’s mouth
• befog két lovat a kocsiba: hitch a team of horses
• egész nap be van fogva: be kept busy all day
It made Sandy want to cover his ears. = Sandy szerette volna befogni a fülét.

befog jelentése kifejezésekben

• to capture
• to hook sy in, to keep sy busy, to make sy work, to put sy to work
• to bring into use, to put in use
• to mount
• to impound
• to harness, to yoke, to yoke oxen
• to harness, to hitch a team, to hitch a team of horses, to hook in, to hook in a horse, to put the horses to a carriage, to put to a carriage
• to hive
• to harness a horse to a cart
• to set them all working
• leg
• to admit, to house, to receive, to take in, to take into
• interception
• reception
• grip
• setting
• holder
• to cover one's ears, to hold one's ears, to keep ears stopped, to refuse to hear sy, to stop one's ears, to stuff one's fingers in one's ears
• holder
• capacity, content, holding capacity, seating-room, volumetric capacity
• to become mildewed