
You have betrayed me from the very start. = Kezdetektől fogva becsaptál.

becsap jelentese magyarul

becsap angolul

becsap jelentése kifejezésekben

• have sy on toast, to get a rise out of sy, to play hanky-panky with sy, to play sy false, to sell sy a pup, to shit on sy, to sucker sy, to take a rise out of sy, to take sy for a ride
• to slam
• to put sg up the spout
• to give short weight
• to trim
• to do the dirty on sy, to play the dirty on sy
• to play sy a dirty trick
• to pull a fast one
• do in the eye, play the fool with
• let in
• bluff, burn, chisel, cole, craft, dupery, fraud, gouge, hocus pocus, napping, sell, twist, victimization
• to be taken in, to get bitten
• deluded
• gullible
• joint
• to bang, to fall to, to spring to
• hit, impact, infall, slam
• the thunder crashed
• crack on the head
• you have been abused
• self-deluding