
• testülethez, intézményhez csatlakozik: join
• bekövetkezik vagy beköszönt: set in, kick in
• folyó befagy: freeze over
• taxi állomásra: draw up
• hajó: put in
• vonat: draw in
• mérleg: settle

beáll jelentése kifejezésekben

• to fall into line with, to toe the line, to toe the mark
• to dock
• to enlist, to go for a soldier
• to adjust, to blow in, to install, to mount, to pose, to regulate, to reset, reset, to set, set, to time, to true, to true up, to tune, to tune in, to tune up, to turn up
• adjustment, approach, pointing, presentation, regulation, set
• composition, mental constitution, mental outfit, slant of life, stance, temper, turn of mind
• set collar
• minded
• setting angle
• regulation nut, regulation screw, setting screw
• to equal
• to ship
• prisoner
• to contrast, to match, to oppose
• to reset a watch, to set the clock
• to preset
• antithesis, antitheses
• at the darkening
• misrepresentation
• maladjustment
• opposable