
• vallásilag: sin
• erkölcsi: fault, evil, iniquity
It is a capital offense to have a shield. = Főbenjáró bűn a pajzs birtoklása.

bűn jelentese magyarul

bűn angolul

bűn jelentése kifejezésekben

• it is wrong to tell lies
• war crime
• original sin
• capital crime, capital offence
• besetting sin
• to stop short of crime
• criminal, culpable, culprit, felonious, guilty, malicious, miscreant, nefarious, offender, peccant, rep, sinful, sinner, transgressor, trespasser, ungodly, vicious, wicked, wrongdoer
• delinquent, evildoer, goon, miscreant, offender
• crime, criminal act, felony
• criminal
• delinquency, evil-doing
• atonement, expiation, penance, propitiation
• guiltless
• penitential
• to seduce
• culpably
• guiltily
• guilty of sg, to stand convicted of sg
• to transgress
• franchised
• to fasten a crime on sy