
a world of plenty = a bőség világa

bőség jelentese magyarul

bőség angolul

bőség jelentése kifejezésekben

• fill
• redundance, redundancy
• profuseness, profusion
• rampancy
• lashing of sg
• ease
• abundant, affluent, ample, bounteous, bountiful, copious, fat, flush, full, full-blood, hearty, large, lavish, liberal, luxuriant, mighty, opulent, plentiful, profuse, redundant, rich, rife, unfailing, unstinted
• in plenty
• abundantly, amply, copiously, freely, heartily, in plenty, lavishly, liberally, profusely, prolifically, redundantly
• lavishness
• cornucopia, horn of plenty
• to live at rack and manger, to live on the fat of the land, to luxuriate
• superflux
• rich food
• swelter
• bellyful, gorge, hearty meal, large meal
• exuberant, prolific, prolifical
• rich food
• to regale
• to keep sy in money
• it will more than pay the trouble