This shirt is too loose on the shoulder. = Ez az ing nyakban túl .

jelentése kifejezésekben

• action-swing sleeve
• loose collar
• heavy crops, rich harvest
• fat years
• mother hubbard
• dashiki
• sack coat
• angel sleeves
• to bellow, to blub, to blubber, to bray, to bump, to moo, to rout
• coat, fell, hide, leather, pelt, skin
• bass
• cutaneous, dermal, leather
• bellow, rutting
• boon, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, free, generous, handsome, large, lavish, liberal, prodigal, unstinting
• bald as a billiard ball, bald as a coot, bald as an egg
• leather and skin industry, leather-work
• lavishly, liberally, prodigally
• skin effect
• garrulous, long-winded, redundant, talkative, voluble, wordy
• generosity, lavishness, liberality, prodigality
• crybaby