
Your punishment should be the most severe. = A legkomolyabb büntetést érdemled.

büntetés jelentese magyarul

büntetés angolul

büntetés jelentése kifejezésekben

• serving of sentence
• mitigation, mitigation of punishment
• on pain, under pain, upon pain
• commutation
• smart punishment
• smart punishment
• lines
• deserts
• interdict
• to penalize
• imposition
• defaulter's book
• to inflict a penalty on sy, to inflict a punishment on sy
• to inflict a penalty on sy, to inflict a punishment on sy
• culpably
• to mete out punishments
• to inflict a punishment on sy
• to inflict a penalty on sy, to inflict a punishment on sy
• fatigue
• correction, strafe
• penalty