jelentese magyarul

bú angolul

jelentése kifejezésekben

• casque
• to bur, to burr, to drone, to whir, to whirr, to zoom
• Boer
• cheerless, dejected, disconsolate, dolorous, gloomy, rueful, sad, sorry, sullen, trist, tristful
• copulative
• corn, wheat
• hooded
• farewell, leave, pardon, parting, saint's-day, send-off
• copulation, mush
• to hide, hid, to hide, hid, hidden, to peep out, to spring up, to spring, sprang, sprung
• dejectedly, disconsolately, ruefully, sadly
• to bewail, to grieve, to mourn, to yearn
• furniture
• dipper, diver, frogman, frogmen, plunger
• to seize, to splice
• farewell party
• hide yourself!
• hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo, whoop
• melancholy, to be of heavy cheer
• suite of furniture
• corner, covert, cubbyhole, hangout, hide-away, hide-out, hideaway, hideout, lair, lurking-place, mountain fastness, nest, shelter