
• valakit valamibe: initiate, initiate somebody into it
• emlékművet: dedicate, open
• szövetet: shrink, preshrink
• inganyagot: sanforize

avat jelentése kifejezésekben

• to saint
• to beatify
• to confide in sy, to take sy into one's confidence
• to laureate
• to play a lone hand
• crabbing
• uninitiated
• to flesh, to initiate, to let into
• to dedicate, to inaugurate
• initiation
• inaugural
• to warrant
• guarantor
• initiate, insider
• interferer, interfering, interloper
• assurance
• profane
• to encroach, to horn in
• encroachment, interference, interfering, interposal, interposition, interposure, intervention, meddling
• practiced, practised, workmanlike
• to lay out, to stretch