Az asztalt a címszó ragozott alakja.


• table, board, desk
• játékban, bridzsben: dead man
• az Úr asztala: the Lord’s table
They sat at the table. = Asztalhoz ültek.

asztalt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to clear the table
• to set out the table
• you may take away
• convive, mess-mate, trencherman, trenchermen
• leaf, table-leaf
• table
• seasoned, sophisticated, versed, veteran
• consolate
• to clear, to clear away
• he has been around a lot, he has experienced a lot
• old roadster
• to get up from the table
• man of convivial habits
• old hand, old stager
• old hand
• old trouper
• old hand
• he is an old hands at it
• old hand at sg
• to separate from bed and board
• separation from bed and board