
• feladatra, munkakör betöltésére (for sth, to do sth): competent, able, capable, qualified, skilled, apt
• valamilyen célra, valaminek a kivitelezésére: appropriate, adequate, right, suitable, proper, convenient
• időpont: appropriate, convenient, right, good
• szavazásra, egyéb polgári jogok gyakorlására: eligible
Jim has proved himself to be competent for the job. = Jim bebizonyította, hogy alkalmas a feladatra.
Only people above 18 are eligible to vote. = Csak 18 év feletti személyek alkalmasak a szavazásra.

alkalmas jelentese magyarul

alkalmas angolul

alkalmas jelentése kifejezésekben

• opportunity
• suitably
• to be adapted for sg, to be adapted to sg, to be suited for sg, to be suited to sg, to fit, to lend itself for sg
• pat
• incongruent, unfit, wrong
• to fit for habitation
• seaworthy
• misnomer
• airworthy
• to be competent in sg
• all-purpose
• presentable
• commanding breeze
• to be cut out for sg
• the ground plays well
• the ground plays well
• to be cut out for sg
• commanding breeze
• materials fit for the job
• airworthy
• newsworthy