
• "megakad" jelentésben: catch, catch in something, jam, clog, lodge, seize
The fishbone caught in my throat. = Megakadt a halszálka a torkomban.

akad jelentése kifejezésekben

• to stick in one's throat
• I can't put my hand on it
• stopper
• hindrance, incapacitation, obstruction
• hampered
• expidite, free, glib, unbound, unchecked, unhampered, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed, untrammelled
• martinetish, martinettish, nagging, niggling, to be interfering
• demur, niggling
• smooth
• unchecked
• streamline
• to rush a fence
• dissident, nonconformist, schismatic, schismatical, schismatist, seceder
• abyss, chasm, cleft, cove, escarpment, gourd, gulch, gulf, pit, precipice, rictus, rictus
• gust
• to burst, burst, to bust, to split, to split, split
• to split, to split, split
• check
• ceaseless, continual, continuous, incessant, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting
• to arrest, to avert, to balk, to bar, to baulk, to debar, to encumber, to forbid, forbade, forbidden, to hinder, to impede, to inhibit, to interfere, to keep from, to preclude, to prohibit, to put off, to set back, to snub, to thwart, to vacate, to withhold, withheld
• to recrudesce