
• rose
I'd like to have a rose garden later. = Később majd szeretnék egy rózsakertet.

Rózsa jelentese magyarul

Rózsa angolul

Rózsa jelentése kifejezésekben

• bur, burr
• camellia japonica, japonica
• every bean has its black, no gains without pain, the sweet and sour go together
• rubella, rubeola
• rose-water
• bed of roses, rosary
• rosarium, rosaria, rosary
• attar of roses
• pink
• beads, rosary
• pink, rosy
• rosary
• rosecruciean, rosicrucian
• rosy-fingered
• briar, briar-rose, brier, eglantine
• rambler
• compass card, compass rose
• water lily
• quencher
• sailor hat
• hollyhock