
I have been driven away everywhere. = Mindenünnen elűztek.

űz jelentese magyarul

űz angolul

űz jelentése kifejezésekben

• to profess
• chase, hunting, pursuit
• driven, hunted
• huntedly
• chase
• to be on the game
• -works, mill, plant, run, works
• to message, to send word
• rigger, trafficker
• bargain, business, buy, deal, dicker, go, mart, proposition, shop, show, store, trans, transaction, whiz, whizz
• extortionate, usury
• to operate
• message, word
• afternoon tea, high-tea, snack
• flay-flint, kite, screw
• dealings, practices
• under power
• to cope, to dicker, to mart
• exorbitant price, famine price, soak
• to be at heat, to be in heat, to be on heat, to rut
• rut, rutting