

ürge jelentése kifejezésekben

• coot
• agile, beany, brisk, deft, fleet, limber, lively, mercurial, nifty, nimble, nippy, perky, smart, sprightly, spry, swift
• to exhort, to expedite, to fillip, to hasten, to precipitate, to press, to press forward, to press on, to push, to push on, to rush, to urge
• compelling, imperative, importunate, insistent, instant, pressing
• agility, alacrity, briskness, dexterity, expedition, swiftness
• pressing
• quick mind, quick wits
• urgently
• rattling
• nimble-footed, quick of foot
• nimble-fingered
• stirrer
• don't rush me!
• to force sy's hand
• minnow
• quick of foot
• jink
• I am pushed for time
• importunity
• quick mind, quick wits
• to be pushed for time