
• ivással: drink up, finish off
• hordót vagy poharat: drain
• fegyvert: unload
• székletet: defecate
• vizeletet: void
• váladékot: pass
• ürítem poharam: here's to
• véres vizeletet ürít: pass blood
He emptied his glass. = Kiürítette a poharát.

ürít jelentése kifejezésekben

• waste
• to bleed, bled, to clear, to clear out, to defecate, to deflate, to deplete, to discharge, to drain, to empty, to evacuate, to quit, to tip out, to turn out, to vacate
• depletion, eduction, evacuation, exhaustion
• unfurnished
• to blow a boiler
• depletion
• defecation
• depletion
• to vacate the premises
• clamshell
• to drink up
• to drink up
• to blow the tanks