
• sit
I'm sitting on a chair. = Egy széken ülök.

ül jelentese magyarul

ül angolul

ül jelentése kifejezésekben

• to sit bolt upright
• sedent, sedentary, sitter, sitting
• arse, ass, bottom, bum, fanny, rear
• anvil
• seance, seat, sitting, séance, thwart
• dumpy, seat
• to bay, to chase, to course, to dog, to gun for, to hunt, to persecute, to pursue, to run, ran, run, to shag, to tag
• assessor
• to plant, to put in
• perch
• chaser, persecutor
• deposit, deposition, dregs, dross, fur, grounds, precipitate, precipitation, residual, residue, residuum, residua, sediment, setting, settlings, sludge, wash
• to elutriate, to jig
• planter
• pew, seat, sitting
• sciatic, sciatic nerve
• chase, dogging, follow-up, following, hunt, manhunt, persecution, pursuit, shag
• residual, residuary
• anvil-beak
• anvil-bed, anvil-block
• seating