ügyel jelentése kifejezésekben

• to attend to sg, to hearken unto sg, to look to, to take care of, to watch over
• to be careful, to take care, to take good care
• to guard one's tongue
• to pay no attention to
• stage-manager
• stage-managership
• physician in attendance
• officer on duty
• smart aleck, smart arse, smart ass, smart boots, smart guy, smartarse
• mind your step!, watch your step!
• see that
• to stage-manage
• watch
• see that
• to control, to mind, to oversee, oversaw, overseen, to see after, to superintend, to supervise, to tend
• breast-band
• controller, keeper, minder, monitor, overseeing, overseer, person in charge, provost, super, superintendent, supervisor, surveyor, tender, trustee, warden
• charge, control, custody, observing, oversight, superintendence, supervision, surveillance, watch
• super, superintendent
• matron
• supervisory