
• tárgyé: floating, floatage, flotation
• uszonyos úszás: fin swimming
Swimming is also fine exercise. = Az úszás is jó testmozgás.

úszás jelentese magyarul

úszás angolul

úszás jelentése kifejezésekben

• crawl-stroke
• overarm side-stroke
• clamber, crawl, creep, scramble
• crawl, creep, glide, gliding, lapse, skid, slide, slip
• dissolve
• backstroke, the backstroke
• drift, slip
• backsliding, wash-out
• breaststroke, the breaststroke
• crawl, freestyle, freestyle swimming, the crawl
• dogpaddling
• skid, slip, slither
• overarm side-stroke
• crawl, crawl-stroke
• creep
• butterfly, butterfly stroke, overarm stroke, the butterfly stroke
• traversing
• back crawl
• to swim hand over hand
• creep
• to swim for it, to swim for one's life