összet jelentése kifejezésekben

• to pin, to pin together, to staple, to tack
• to tear up
• to break into shivers, to break, broke, broken, to crash, to crush up, to dash, to hack, to jog, to shatter, to shiver, to smash, to smash up
• to converge, to hold together, to stay together, to stick together
• to compound
• complex, composite, compound, multiple
• to piece together
• shattered
• to ball, to cohere, to felt, to seize
• to interwind, interwound, to twine
• to botch up, to cobble, to fabricate, to knock together, to knock up, to patch up, to slobber, to tinker up
• cohesion, convergence, esprit de corps, solidarity, togetherness
• to piece together
• cohesion
• coherent, cohesive
• round-up
• collapsible, telescopic
• to telescope
• to aggregate, to ball
• to cohere
• compound, compound word