
• you


• tin
This object is made of tin. = Ez a tárgy ónból van.

ön jelentese magyarul

ön angolul

ön jelentése kifejezésekben

• you are
• out of respect for you
• automatic
• to dip, to flush, to found, to pour, to shed, to shed, shed, to stream
• caster
• assertive, egocentric, egotist, self-centered, selfish
• your good selves
• selfish
• an end in itself, end in itself
• founder
• cast, font, molding, moulding
• to water
• egoism, egotism, selfishness
• capricious, headstrong, obstinate, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, recalcitrant, stubborn, untoward, wayward, wilful, willful, wrong-headed
• cock-sure, conceited, confident, hubristic, perky, presumptuous, priggish, proud, self-important, supercilious
• as a matter of courtesy, by courtesy, freely, nothing loath, of one's own free will, of oneself, voluntarily
• number one, oneself, self, selves, selves
• dead load
• ingot
• arrogant, complacent, conceited, high and mighty, lofty, priggish, proud, self-confident, self-important, self-sufficient, stuck-up, swollen-headed, vainglorious
• foundry