
Be careful when driving on the highway. = Óvatosan vezess az autópályán.

óvatos jelentese magyarul

óvatos angolul

óvatos jelentése kifejezésekben

• to play dead, to play possum, to play safe
• guarded
• unwary
• to mind one's p's and q's, to play dead, to play possum
• circumspectly, gently, gingerly, guardedly, warily, watchfully
• easy!
• caution, circumspection, conservatism, heed, precaution, providence, prudence, reserve, wakefulness, wariness
• precautionary
• to ease
• to feel one's way, to fly low
• to pick one's step, to pick one's way
• to ease
• to play a sure game, to sit on the splice
• to take in a reef
• to put sy on guard, to put sy on sy's guard
• to easy with sg, to go slow
• to ease
• scalper
• to throw caution to the wind
• be alert!, be careful!, mind your step!, watch your step!
• gently does it!