


• biztonsági öv: seat belt, safety belt
He wasn't wearing belt. = Nem viselt övet.

óv jelentese magyarul

óv angolul

óv jelentése kifejezésekben

• protecting
• protestation
• day care center, day nursery, kindergarten, nursery school, petty school
• bail, bond, caution, margin
• alert, aware, cagey, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative, discreet, guarded, heedful, stealthy, wary, watchful
• condom, contraceptive, contraceptive sheath, durex, rubber, skin
• to caution, to forewarn, to warn
• unguarded
• air-raid shelter, cove, refuge
• to beware, to look out
• circumspectly, gently, gingerly, guardedly, warily, watchfully
• easy!
• caution, circumspection, conservatism, heed, precaution, providence, prudence, reserve, wakefulness, wariness
• precautionary
• to challenge, to except against, to object, to object to sg, to remonstrate
• guard
• to play dead, to play possum, to play safe
• guarded
• to ease
• to beware of sg, to keep clear of sg, to stand clear of sg, to stay clear of sg, to steer clear of sg
• to feel one's way, to fly low