
• to joint


• to crank

ízel jelentése kifejezésekben

• foretaste
• arthropod, arthropoda
• articulated
• a taste of sg
• arthropodal, arthropodous
• to coax, to cozy up to sy, to fawn upon, to flatter, to lay it on thick, to make fair weather, to smarm, to stroke, to stroke down, to suck up to sy, to sugar, to toady, to wheedle
• buttery, coaxing, complimentary, encomiast, fawning, flatterer, flattering, pip-squeak, pipsqueak, smarmy, smooth, spaniel, sycophant, sycophantic, tame spaniel, toady
• blandishment, blarney, butter, cajolery, coaxing, flattery, soft soap, soft solder, sycophancy, toadyism
• coaxing, ingratiating, insinuating, silken, suave, sweet, unctuous
• coaxingly, fawningly
• coaxingly
• coaxing
• relief tube
• insinuation
• to coax
• blarney, coaxing
• water supply
• dehydration
• unflattering
• runoff
• diesel engine, diesel locomotive