

ég jelentese magyarul

ég angolul

ég jelentése kifejezésekben

• heavenward, heavenwards
• the light is on
• birds of the air
• to be poles apart, to be poles asunder
• to be afire with the desire to, to be all afire with the desire to, to be passionately eager to
• he's a glutton for work
• to be spoiling for sg
• to be eager to do sg
• as far apart as the poles, poles apart, poles asunder
• to yearn to do sg
• to be eager to do sg
• figure seen in relief against the sky
• to be bitten with a desire to do sg
• afire, aflame, alight, bulb, burner, consumable, flagrant
• celestial, heavenly
• alder
• to bite, bit, bitten, to burn, to burn, burnt, to calcinate, to fire, to parch
• sky-high
• afire, aflame
• burn, flagrancy, ignition
• zone