
• wake, wake up
• későn ébred: wake up late
• tudatára ébred: realize that
Wake up, Thorby! = Ébredj fel, Thorby!

ébred jelentése kifejezésekben

• to oversleep, overslept
• to awake to
• to oversleep, overslept
• to come home to sy, to go home to sy, to latch on to sg, to wake up
• to feel one's legs, to find one's legs
• waker
• arousal, awakening, waking
• rise and shine!
• to awake to, to realize
• to awake, awoke, to awaken, to rouse, to wake, to wake up, to wake, woke, woken, to waken
• to come home to sy, to go home to sy
• to reawaken
• I wake early, I wake up early
• he's not stirring yet
• to wake up to the truth
• his conscience woke
• all nature wakes
• he woke to find the lamp still burning